Строительство комбикормового завода птицефабрики "Зеленецкая"


The building of their own compound-feed plant is continuing in Komi. The head of Komi Sergey Gaplikov, the minister of agriculture and consumer market Anatoly Knyazev and the CEO of the enterprise Nikolay Cherny visited the building yard on the territory of OAO “Zelenetskaya Poultry Farm” in October, 2018.

Implementation of the project began in 2015. The dead-end track which is actively used now for supply of grain and freights including necessary for building which is coming to the enterprise was put into operation in 2014.

The construction was divided into several phases, but all of them are implemented in parallel. The installation of a warehouse of mealy raw materials on 5400 tons, a system of raw materials accept from the railway and motor transport and a warehouse of package cargo is completed for today. The finished goods warehouse is constructed. The design of a warehouse is made by the built-up bin system “Technex”. Construction of metalwork of the manufacturing building is continued.

According to the CEO of “Zelenetskaya poultry farm” Nikolay Cherny, existence of own plant will allow the enterprise to save on purchase of feeds because expenses on these purposes reach 70% of total expenses.

The hi-tech equipment "Technex" will be implemented on the compound-feed plant and all processes will be automated. It is planned to put the plant into operation by the end of 2019 that will allow to start a construction of an elevator.



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